Medical Appointment Transportation
It can be inconvenient to find a family member or friend when you need a ride to doctors appointments or are scheduled for minor medical procedures. Avoid the stress of searching for someone to help or the inconvenience of trying to fit into their schedule.
Charleston Black Cab can offer safe, dependable transportation to your doctor appointments. Our experienced drivers will get you to and from your appointments on time. You can count on us to escort a family member to their minor medical procedures when you can’t. Choose to be dropped off and picked up at a later agreed upon time or we will wait for you at your doctor’s office.

Dental procedures: Many procedures at the dentist require you to be put under and request that you not drive. Let us be there waiting to get you or a loved one home safely after an appointment.
Eye Care: Having dilated eyes or LASIK Eye Surgery results in temporary loss of perfect vision and the ability to operate a vehicle safely. Rely on us to drive you or a loved one home.
Minor medical Procedures: Undergoing minor medical procedures like colonoscopy, carpal tunnel release or cosmetic surgery can be stressful and exhausting and your doctor will request that you not drive. Call us ahead of time and we will drive you home in comfort.
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: Therapy is a long but mandatory procedure on the road to recovery for your injury. You can trust us to escort you to therapy or rehab sessions while you are healing.

Senior Citizen Transportation
Keep your independence, and maintain your lifestyle and dignity. Are you a senior who doesn’t want to inconvenience anyone when you need to get somewhere? Charleston Black Cab can assist you with continuing your daily routine with ourelderly transportation services in Charleston SC. Choose us to get you to your appointments rain or shine, let us help you age in the grace that you deserve.
Personal Routine: Whether it’s a hair appointment or gift shopping, don’t let your transportation troubles get in the way of your lifestyle. Our drivers help you live life uninterrupted.

Social Activities: Lunch dates, club meetings or coffee with friends. Enjoy the independence of not having to ask your family or friends to drive you. We’ll gladly be your personal chauffeur.
Medical Appointments: We’re experienced when it comes to transportation to medical appointments. We’ll take you to your checkups, minor medical procedures like dialysis, cataract removal or arthroscopy on time and in comfort.
Grocery Service: Go about your usual routine without a worry. Our drivers will take you to the grocery or market and assist you with your shopping bags.